Mission Statement

Angel Baby Keepsakes' mission is to provide hospitals and caregivers with keepsakes to give as gifts to women and their families who have lost a baby due to miscarriage, stillbirth, death shortly after birth, and in the NICU setting. We believe that providing keepsakes for mothers, who have experienced such a loss, will help to preserve the memory of their baby and will assist them and their families with the grieving process.

We also believe that creating a support system among caregivers and providing the tools necessary for them to care for these women and their babies, will help with the healing process for everyone.

It is our desire to see that every woman experiencing such a loss, is given a box with keepsakes and resources for grieving before she is sent home from the hospital.

By providing caregiver support and affordable quality keepsakes, our company can assist caregivers, women and their families to begin the healing process.