Angel Baby Keepsakes

Bereavement Gifts to Comfort a Broken Heart

Welcome to Angel Baby Keepsakes!

At Angel Baby Keepsakes, we extend our heartfelt compassion to families navigating the difficult journey of infant loss. Our mission is clear: to provide hospitals and caregivers with the tools they need to support women and their families who have experienced the profound pain of miscarriage, stillbirth, or the loss of a baby shortly after birth.

Founded by a dedicated Labor & Delivery nurse who witnessed the disparity in bereavement programs across hospitals, Angel Baby Keepsakes strives to bridge the gap. We believe that every grieving mother deserves a tangible keepsake to honor the memory of her precious baby. Our goal is to ensure that no woman leaves the hospital empty-handed, regardless of the hospital's resources or budget constraints.

Through our affordable and thoughtfully crafted Baby Memorial Keepsake Boxes, we aim to provide comfort and solace during a time of profound grief. We understand the importance of preserving memories and supporting the healing process for both mothers and caregivers.

Honoring Memories, Supporting Healing

Preserving Precious Memories

Explore our collection of beautifully curated memorial keepsake boxes designed to honor the memory of your little angel. Each box is thoughtfully crafted to provide comfort and solace during times of grief.

Caregiver Resources & Tools

Discover our resources and tools tailored to support caregivers in providing compassionate care to families experiencing infant loss. From educational materials to practical guidance, we're here to help caregivers navigate this sensitive journey with empathy and understanding.

Partnering with Hospitals

Learn more about how Angel Baby Keepsakes is partnering with hospitals to enhance their bereavement programs. Together, we're ensuring that every woman who experiences the loss of a baby receives the support and comfort she deserves, regardless of hospital resources or budget constraints.

What They Say About Us

Country Wide Delivery Available

Areas Covered

All of the United States